Strength - Mobility - Function
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Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)
Decrease pain and tension, promote healing.
IMS uses the same types of needles as acupuncture. The physiotherapist assesses the patient for range of motion and functional movement patterns. The physiotherapist then palpates the muscles on the area of impairment to locate trigger points. Trigger points are taut bands within a muscle that cause movement dysfunction and pain. These are then treated with the insertion of a needle. The goal is to obtain an involuntary twitch from the muscle, which helps to reset the muscle and reduce the trigger points. Thus, restoring function and decreasing pain. IMS is used to treat muscles of the arms, shoulders, hips and legs as well as the spine. Treatment along the spinal muscles can help reduce nerve impingement. IMS can be used to treat different conditions such as:
Chronic pain after a motor vehicle accident
Sport injuries
Repetitive strain injuries
Musculoskeletal problems